Yandina Brewday & Terella Brewery Visit
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Date(s) - 29/02/2020
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Open Brewday
Great Scott! February 29th is an extra day of the year! Why not spend that free day brewing/drinking beer?
The goal is to brew 40L of beer for the Brewers Brewer BBQ in April. Lets do a 4.5% Pale Ale + Mosaic!
A brew day is a great way to get some hands on experience with other brewers, and its free. It takes about 4-5hrs, so we should finish around 3pm before we head off to Terella.
Saturday’s Brew Schedule
- BYO lunch & beer while we brew
- 10am Brew starts, Mash in the Grains (1hr)
- 11am-1200 Transfer to Boil. Take note of them transcending smells of Hops and Malt!
- 1pm-2pm Exit wort to hot cubs. No chill means we can have more beers a Terella.
- 2pm Uber/travel to Terella a few kms up the road
- 6pm Terella Closes, Uber Home
Travel to/from Yandina
Uber rides are $40 from Geds shed in Nth Buderim. We can organise it among ourselves to spit the ride. Just bring some cash for each ride.
Google Maps Terella Brewery